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Ecclesiastes 3 (Children's Sunday Lesson July 4, 2021)
Memory Verse (Ecclesiastes 3:4) // Eagle Brook Kids
Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church founder Tony Evans to step away from pastor duties
SUMC Children's Time Sept. 16 "The Sunflower Parable" Ecclesiastes 3:1
The Children's Sermon for Seeing is Believing
July 12 2020: The Boy Jesus Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7; Luke 2:39–52 — Sunday School Made Simple
There is a Time for Everything!
Kid's Spot:Time Ecclesiastes 3
Best Sunday School lessons July 25 book of Ecclesiastes 3 1-8 Mike Howard
Ecclesiastes 3 Kids Talk
Ecclesiastes - Bible story for kids
Sunday School: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15